Do Not Flee

Isolation, social distancing, obsessive cleanliness, pointless hording…

With the grace of God, we’ll make it through this horrible situation with the fewest deaths, our means of maintaining a livable country and world intact, and a solemn promise to improve some of the systemic shortcomings we’ve discovered along the way.

In the meantime, I have a suggestion for those of you with nothing better to do than read this. I’m totally serious. If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a dozen times from people who find out I’m a writer with books to sell them. They say “I’ve always wanted to write a book, but…”

How about now? You have the time, you’re not supposed to congregate. The internet is full of people whose job it is to tell you all of the bad news. Ignore the doomsayers. Write:

About anything. If you are a writer powered by coffee and hate, write about how pissed off all of this bullshit makes you. Seriously - it’ll help. If finding the beauty in difficult situations is your thing, find something positive to write about. The video of the guy in Italy singing Nessun Dorma (search it on YouTube) will take your breath away. Human beings are remarkable.

About nothing. Just start writing. Don’t edit, don’t worry about grammar or spelling. Just. Start. Writing. Don’t worry about the first draft - write with your heart.

About someone you love. What do they look like, how do they make you feel? What is it about them that so captivates you? Look for details, think about it deeply and let the words flow.

About what you will do when the virus runs its course and we can go back to how we usually live our lives. Will you make any changes? Have you learned anything (aside from to have a stash of TP)? Where is the first place you will visit?

Do not flee. Write. Next thing you know, you’ve written something wonderful, beautiful. Uniquely yours.

Welcome to a wonderful world.